Saturday, November 1, 2008

Please take the next 30 minutes to watch and read and pray.

Please join me today as I pray for our nation's future. And please vote responsibly and thoughtfully on November 4. If you have a moment, take a look at the videos and read my blog post below. Thank you for your prayers and thank you for visiting.

I hate abortion. You can read my blog post below from Oct. 27 for more on that. I mean, I really, really hate it. But do I hate it enough to take in a pregnant teenager, deal with her fear, her neediness, her mood swings, her dealings with her boyfriend, her doctor visits, her emotional turmoil? Do I care enough to raise money to help take care of her so she has options other than abortion? Forget the preaching about abstinence. That may or may not happen. We live in a corrupt society filled with people with imperfect morals. I plan to place my vote squarely for a president who will do his best to limit abortion. But what will we do to lessen the number of abortions if the leader who is elected chooses to expand their availability?

Who will speak up for the little ones?
Helpless and half-abandoned.
They've got the right to choose life
They don't want to lose,
I've got to speak up, won't you?

Equal rights, equal time, for the unborn children.
Their precious lives are on the line,
How can we be rid of them?
Passing laws, passing out
Bills and new amendments.
Pay the cost and turn about,
And face the young defendants.

Who will speak up for the little ones?
Helpless and half-abandoned.
They've got the right to choose life
They don't want to lose,
I've got to speak up, won't you?

Many come and many go,
Conceived but not delivered.
The toll is astronomical,
How can we be indifferent.

Little hands, little feet,
Tears for Him who made you.
Should all on earth forsake you now,
But He'll never forsake you.

Who will speak up for the little ones?
Helpless and half-abandoned.
They've got the right to choose life
They don't want to lose,
I've got to speak up, won't you?

Forming hearts, forming minds,
Quenched before awakened,
For so many deliberate crimes
The earth will soon be shaken.

Little hands, little feet,
Tears for Him who made you.
Should all on earth forsake you now,
But He'll never forsake you.

Who will speak up for the little ones?
Helpless and half-abandoned.
They've got the right to choose life
They don't want to lose,
I've got to speak up, won't you?

But our love and care should not be limited to those who are not yet born. As Christians, we should be doing something, taking action, putting feet to our faith.

Lord have mercy on us. (from The Philippines)

When Jesus said to take care of one another, to provide for the poor and needy, to take care of widows and orphans, he meant for us to do that. But he didn't go and tell the Roman rulers to do it. He told His people. We are the ones to share our wealth with others less fortunate, not our government. I think maybe if we'd done that adequately, our governments would stop trying to get us to let them do it. So I don't completely blame them. But on the other hand, I do. I want to share with those in need as God tell me to. Not as the president of my country tells me to. But that's an opinion. You are free to vote as you see fit, but please pray about what I've said.

Lord have mercy on us. (from India)

Help me not to turn away from You for answers I can understand. Help us to desire mercy more than change. To want You more than economic and financial freedom. To reach out and help our neighbors when they're sick, broken, and tired. To give recklessly to ease the suffering of the poor. To offer answers to a troubled world in need of God. To bring reconciliation between people of every race across the earth. We are the aroma of life to those seeking it and death to those running from You. Please let us be a pleasing aroma to You, God, as we bow and ask forgiveness for the suffering we as a nation have caused. Please help us to remember the needs of those less fortunate and to meet them, no matter who our next president may be. Please give us the faith of a little child so we can move mountains and send them crashing to the sea.

Lord have mercy on us. (from Germany)

Your prayers are urgently requested...

Lord have mercy on us. (ardent worship in Communist China)

I am dedicating this day to children everywhere and to the victims of injustice around the world. To those living in tragic circumstances, in poverty, or in a country whose dictator doesn't like the color of their skin or their nationality or their religion. To those who are being persecuted around the globe. To those suffering from diseases that we, here in America, could together obliterate. This day of prayer is for EVERYONE who has no strength left to cry out for help on their own. May God's will be done.

November 1 is All Saints Day. For Catholics, for Anglicans, and for some Protestant faiths, anyway. So I am dedicating this day, November 1, All Saints Day, to fasting and praying for all the victims of injustice around the world and across our nation. I am also devoting this time of prayer to all the unborn children whose lives have been ended through abortion. I am not laying blame or finding fault with women who have had abortions. I just really care about this issue a lot. And I want to find a way for us to eliminate abortion altogether. The USA is a world leader. If we change this, other countries will follow.

Lord have mercy on us. (USA)

Someday we'll trust Him, learn how to see Him, someday He'll call us and we will come running and fall in His arms. And the tears will fall down and we'll say, "I want to fall in love with you!"